Publicité et documents promotionnels

Types de documents

How does an Oboe really Sound? Victor Records.
The one way to hear your favorite music whenever you wish. Victor Records and Phonograph-Radios
How to hear the world's Finest Music whenever you wish ! RCA Victor Records and Phonograph-Radios
Command Performance by any of the world's greatest musicians whenever you wish! Victor Records and Phonograph-Radios
Yours to Enjoy Whenever you Wish ! Toscanini and the NBC Symphony Orchestra. RCA Victrola
Yours for Keeps on Victor Records Debussy's "Iberia". RCA Victrola
Yours for Keeps on Victor Records Your Favorite Orchestras under The World's Greatest Conductors. RCA Victrola U-134-A
Yours for Keeps on Victor Records...The Songs you Love to Hear, sung by the Worlg's Greatest Artists. RCA Victrola Model U-125
Give Romance, Beauty, Life-Long Pleasure ...Victor Records. Model U-125
The World's Greatest Artists are Yours for Keeps on Victor Records ! Serge Koussevitzky et Leopold Stolowski
The World's Greatest Instrumentalists are on Victor Records. RCA Victrola U-123
Yours for Keeps on Victor Records… the musical Highlights of 1938-39 by the World's Greatest Artists
Your Own Concerts under the summer stars, by the world's greatest artists...on Victor Records
Take the World's Greatest Dance Bands With you on Vacation - on Victor and Bluebird Records
A red-lipped gypsy girl singing Passionately or the greatest symphony of the century. RCA Victrola U-26
Shoran-a surveying system with pin-point accuracy !
How Wide is "Broadway" ? RCA Building, Radio City, N. Y. 20
Behind the magic of a Television Tube