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You can be sure...if it's Westinghouse. Modèle no. 186
93,000,000 miles of laboratory space
RCA. Radiola - 62. Super - Heterodyne
Both are Stokowski. Philco, A musical instrument of quality
Philco bringing back in the good old family circle
Make your home the center of the world ! Philco Model 15X
At Last I've heard it... My Master's Voice Over a Radio. RCA Victor Radio R-78
Silence...utter silence... Then Stokowski's hands sweep upward ! Philco Model 15X
"My Time is Your Time"... and it's the real Ruby Vallee every time on a PHILCO.
Philco Lazy-X. The easiest, laziest way to listen in. Relax, enjoy and change programs without moving from your chair
Without stirring from your chair... ....all that radio offers is yours ! Philco Lazy-X
Spend Wisely. Now that you're beginning to buy again.
For 1934-and Ready Now! RCA Victor's New "DUO"
RCA - Cunningham Radiotron avec Paul Whiteman NBC Star
Fascinating new Game ! Have the fun...thrills...adventure of a Radio Tour. RCA - Cunningham radiotron
New "Magic Brain" makes World-Radio doubly exciting !
Christmas in a hundred lands "magic brain". RCA Victor Model 242
Across Seven Seas...through boundless space... to far distant lands. RCA Victor's "Magic Brain". Console Model 281