Publicité et documents promotionnels

Types de documents

Leader in their respective fields. Portable super heterodyne Radiola 26
That you may hear good music when you will... Victor Red Seal Records
Music's great moments are endlessly yours. Victor Red Seal Records
Their like will not be gathered soon again. Victor Red Seal Records
Catalogue de disques français. Avril 1954
New 1960 all-in-one RCA Victor Stereo-Orthophonic High Fidelity
Disques Apex-Français (10 pouces) de 1958
Disques français RCA Victor de septembre 1956
His Master's Voice - Victor numéro de mai 1928
His Master's Voice - Victor Records - 1928
Henry Morgan & Co. Limited - You are sure of the quality at Morgan's
Stéréo sur demande RCA Victor
Catalogue de Noël du magasin Peck's
Victor. The world's greatest musical instrument
New Victor Records for October
Enjoy Radio Entertainment ...wherever you go!
"RCA Victor présente Nouvelle TV spectaculaire". Catalogue des modèles de télévison 1957
Gould Moody "Black Seal" Aluminium Instantaneous Recording Blanks